
Friday, September 23, 2011

Motorcyclers thrill at Bulolo Show

BULOLO District in Morobe staged its first ever cultural show on the Sept 16-18 coinciding with the country’s 36th Independence anniversary celebrations. 
Thrilling the crowd at the Bulolo Show.-Pictures by PETER BOYD

The event was staged in Mumeng Town.
Traditional singsing groups from the six LLGs of Bulolo, Mumeng, Buang, Watut, Biangai and people from other parts of Morobe who live in Bulolo and Wau like the Kabub singsing group took part.
Bulolo MP Sam Basil meets rider Daniel Hargreaves and others as show committee chairman Stanley Komunt, of MMJC (centre) looks on

Bulolo’s own sons and PNGs famous artists Lister and Amon Serum performed live to entertain the show goers.
Other entertainment included a string band competition, greasy pole climbing, inter LLG tug of war.
The highlight of the day was without a doubt a visit from Morobe Motorcycle Club riders who stopped halfway through a two day fun race from Bulolo to Edie Creek and back to Lae.
Waterfall near Buang on Snake River

The large crowd was witness to a display of wheel stands, jumps and riders riding without too much skill or control. 
The invitation to participate in a race at Independence weekend was extended to the MMC several months earlier by show chairman Stanley Komunt and it proved a great success.
Ploughing through a quagmire

The 'fun' race started with a small but enthusiastic group of riders in Bulolo on the Saturday who rode to Wau via PNGFP tracks and overnighted at the Wau Adventures headquarters, home to Tim and Danielle Vincent. 
Crossing the Snake River...hoping not to fall

The first day’s easy riding determined the starting order for the grueling second days riding. 
Day two saw local favourite and PNG'S No.1 bike Rider Daniel Hargreaves take a commanding lead in the first of the days special stages, a savage hill climb to the summit of Mt Kaindi at 7800ft and back to Wau. 
Rider about to crash near summit of Mt Kainti, at 7800 ft, outside Bulolo enroute to Hidden Valley

This section took its toll on riders and bikes with several riders crashing and Tim Vincent of Wau Adventures, PNG'S Premier Adventure Tourism Company, suffering badly bruised ribs - forcing him to pull out of any further racing.
Ow! That hurts!

Leg two was the reverse of the first day’s course from Wau to Bulolo and convincingly won by Suzuki rider Michael Schulz with a clear gap to Hargreaves, who was unable to maintain his first afternoons pace.
A steep descent

A short third leg from Bulolo to Mumeng saw the riders cross the line within a minute of each other, the tarmac riding not being to anyone's liking as the thought of crashing on tarmac was enough to deter anyone from risking life and limb - all riders knew that the last section of 94km from Mumeng Station to MMJV Headquarters at 9-Mile Lae would require all their energy and attention. 
Riding in fog is an unbelievable experience, the forest is dead quiet except for the bikes' sound

Thirty minutes were spent entertaining the crowd at the Bulolo Show and taking advice on the route ahead from MP Sam Basil, one of the few people who had actually driven down the Snake River to Buang and Gabensis.
The route chosen followed the Snake River past Buang, Wagau and onto Gabensis on the Bulolo Highway - a distance of 65km, and finishing off with a 30km road stage.
Village people close to Wagau - experiencing a motorbike for the first time in their lives

The only problem was that so much fun was had at Mumeng entertaining the crowd that riders lost track of time and were very late leaving Mumeng. 
Heavy fog and fading light slowed the bikes to a crawl for over an hour past Buang and Wagau.
Drops on either side of the overgrown track were vertical and deadly and any thoughts of racing were set aside with safety of riders paramount. 
Several of the bikes had no lights and this meant extra care needed to be shown.
What should have taken two hours took five hours and at 8pm the bikes arrived at MMJV headquarters with riders exhausted having commenced riding at 9am that morning.
Minister for National Planning and Monitoring Samuel Basil officiated at the show which was attended by over 3, 000 people.
Basil thanked the show chairman Stanley Komunt and his committees and all the sponsors for making the event a success.
Major sponsors:
  1. Bulolo District - Joint District Planning & Budget Priority Committee (JDP&BPC) – K85,000 in cash
  2. Morobe Mining JV (MMJV) K20,000 in kind
  3. Hornibrooks NGI Limited – K5,000 in cash
  4. Bank of South Pacific (BSP) – K3,000 in cash
  5. Island Mobile Hirecar
  6. Lae Biscuits company
  7. ArmSec Limited
  8. Digicel PNG
  9. NBC Morobe
  10. Zenang Chicken
  11. Bulolo District Administration

Inaugural Bulolo Show a success

The Bulolo Show held over Independence long weekend was first of its kind after many years without such a show.

It was initiated and supported by the Bulolo District, Joint District Planning & Budget Priority Committee (JDP & BPC) under the chairmanship of Bulolo MP and National Planning Minister Samuel Basil.

Stanley Komunt was appointed as show chairman and supported very well by deputy chairman Tony McHarets and Mumeng local level government president and Morobe provincial mining chairman Mathias Philip, Mumeng LLG manager Samuel Philip, and Bulolo district administrator Tae Guambelek.

Bulolo District staged its first-ever cultural show on Sept 16-18,   2011 coinciding with PNG's 36th Independence anniversary celebrations.

This important event was staged in Mumeng Town.

This location was chosen as it was convenient for tourists or visitors from Lae and other parts of PNG to travel to and fro from Lae and also local people from Wau, Bulolo and Watut to come down.

 There were traditional singsing groups from the six LLGs of Bulolo - Mumeng, Buang, Watut, Biangai and people from other parts of Morobe who live at Bulolo and Wau.

There were other entertainments such as string band competition, greasy pole climbing, inter-LLG tug-of-war, motor cycle show, and many more.

Bulolo's own sons and PNG's famous artists Lister and Amon Serum performed live to entertain the show goers.

The event started with the flagraising ceremony on Sept 16, followed by the cultural show the next day.

 On Sept 18, there were two greasy poles, tugs-of-war, greasy pig chase, motor cycle show and handing out of prize money.

Guest-of-honour was Minister for National Planning and Monitoring Samuel Basi.

It was attended by Bulolo district administrator Tae Guambelek, Mumeng LLG president Mathias Philip, Buang LLG president Stephen Sep, Wau Rural LLG manager John Yawa, MMJV general manager David Wissink, BSP Momase regional Manager Mark Kamuja and Bulolo BSP staff.

A notable presence was former Markham MP, Andrew Baing.

There were well over 3, 000 people who attended the three-day event, with lots of positive comments.

 Basil, when closing the show, announced that his JDP&BPC would continue to support next year and the years to come. T

He also acknowledged and thanked show chairman Stanley Komunt and his committee, as well as sponsors for making the event a success.

Major sponsors:

1.         Bulolo District - Joint District Planning & Budget Priority Committee (JDP&BPC) – K85, 000 in cash

2.         Morobe Mining JV (MMJV) K20, 000 in kind

3.         Hornibrooks NGI Limited – K5, 000 in cash

4.         Bank of South Pacific (BSP) – K3, 000 in cash

5.         Island Mobile Hirecar

6.         Lae Biscuit Company

7.         ArmSec Ltd

8.         Digicel PNG

9.         NBC Morobe

10.       Zenang Chicken

11.       Bulolo District Administration

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Basil hits back at Abal

NATIONAL Planning and Monitoring Minister Sam Basil has described as irresponsible and unbecoming comments by parliamentarians determined to usurp power by using Sir Michael Somare, The National reports.
"I can't believe former acting prime minister and Member for Wabag Sam Abal would sink so low as to verbally place the Grand Chief on a collision course on the floor of parliament by suggesting that Sir Michael would take the Prime Minister's seat in parliament," he said.
"Firstly, there is only one head of the legislature, which is the Speaker of the National Parliament, Jeffery Nape.
"Sam Abal was there when the new Prime Minister Peter O'Neill was elected in parliament. The instruments of appointment were signed by the Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio.
"Why has Abal, knowing all this, attempted to direct Sir Michael to a chair already occupied by O'Neill?
"That is pre-emptor of the Supreme Court case and should amount to contempt both of
the court and of the national parliament," Basil said.
"What I fail to understand is just what sort of family, friends and associates would drag a weak, struggling, old man who many respect as the founding father of the nation in their political power games.
"Why can't they all appreciate that whatever the Supreme Court ruling is, the bottom line is that 70 MPs against 24 voted in O'Neill as the new prime minister on Aug 2 in parliament and will do so again if required."
Basil intends to refer Abal to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee for his comments on the chair to be occupied by Sir Michael.
He said the comments threatened the decorum and dignity of parliament

Basil hits back at Abal

NATIONAL Planning and Monitoring Minister Sam Basil has described as irresponsible and unbecoming comments by parliamentarians determined to usurp power by using Sir Michael Somare, The National reports.
"I can't believe former acting prime minister and Member for Wabag Sam Abal would sink so low as to verbally place the Grand Chief on a collision course on the floor of parliament by suggesting that Sir Michael would take the Prime Minister's seat in parliament," he said.
"Firstly, there is only one head of the legislature, which is the Speaker of the National Parliament, Jeffery Nape.
"Sam Abal was there when the new Prime Minister Peter O'Neill was elected in parliament. The instruments of appointment were signed by the Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio.
"Why has Abal, knowing all this, attempted to direct Sir Michael to a chair already occupied by O'Neill?
"That is pre-emptor of the Supreme Court case and should amount to contempt both of
the court and of the national parliament," Basil said.
"What I fail to understand is just what sort of family, friends and associates would drag a weak, struggling, old man who many respect as the founding father of the nation in their political power games.
"Why can't they all appreciate that whatever the Supreme Court ruling is, the bottom line is that 70 MPs against 24 voted in O'Neill as the new prime minister on Aug 2 in parliament and will do so again if required."
Basil intends to refer Abal to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee for his comments on the chair to be occupied by Sir Michael.
He said the comments threatened the decorum and dignity of parliament