
Monday, December 5, 2011

Basil spotlights Sir Arnold’s legal inconsistencies

National Planning and Monitoring Minister Sam Basil has called on former Chief Justice and Governor of Madang Sir Arnold Amet to stop “preying” on judges’ ‘emotions and opinions’. 
Basil said that Sir Arnold should realise that he was no longer on the bench as the chief  justice but a politician and a member of the opposition.  
“His continuous media circus is not only contemptuous but subjudicial to the pending Supreme Court decision on the validity of the events of August 2 in Parliament,” he said referring to Parliament’s declaration of vacancy and election of Ialibu MP Peter O’Neill as Prime Minister. 
“Let the judges do their job and stop preying on their emotions and opinions,“ an incensed Basil said. 
“The insinuations that he is portraying through the media pre-empts the outcome of the Supreme Court decision and such does not paint a good picture on the independence of the judiciary. 
"He talks as if the judiciary is in his steal pocket. 
"That is contemptuous and subjudice.” 
Basil, Bulolo MP, said that Sir Arnold seemed to enjoy conducting trial by media with full page advertorial in the newspapers, setting out his legal arguments as he did it over and over again.
 “It is surprising that he has all of a sudden become the self appointed guardian angel of the Constitution,” he said. 
“Some one should look back and see that not too long ago, the following happened:   
  • He allowed the nomination of Sir Paulus Matane as the Governor General at the eligibility vote stage, directly breaching the Constitution which was later nullified by the Supreme Court, and had a senior statesman in the likes of Sir Paulus walking off the public life disgracefully;
  •  He was part of the Somare-led Government’s unexplained adjournment of Parliament sittings, yet said nothing about the Constitutional requirements as affirmed by a majority Supreme Court ruling of which he was the sole dissenting one;
  •  He was a part of the Cabinet that delayed and frustrated the appointment of two medical doctors on the medical condition of Sir Michael Somare for more than three months. Effectively the country was without a permanent chief executive officer for more than three months but Sir Arnold would not arise to defend the spirit of the Constitution;
  •  He even attacked the judiciary just to protect the former kitchen cabinet ministers who were suspended by the Supreme Court pending their leadership tribunal. Now he is becoming the best buddy for the judiciary, making representations as if he had secured the Supreme Court decision in his favour;
  •  He was the controversial legal advisor to the previous government, protecting and advocating the cause of corrupt politicians within government, which was the cause of frustrations that led to the change of government. His controversial advice and the heavy reliance on it by the former Prime Minister and Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare cost the old man his political career, loss of the Prime Ministership and finally the dishonourable dismissal from Parliament.                                            Basil added: “May I remind him to check his hands whether it’s clean before crying foul at the current O’Neill/Namah Government that is trying to address the immediate needs of our people that had been neglected by the previous government.                                                                                         “We respect the judiciary to make its own decisions and we as Government will manage the consequences. The judges are Papua New Guineans and they live in Papua New Guinea. Please leave them alone to do their job.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sam Basil reflects on the ‘oppressive’ 9 years under National Alliance

National Planning and Monitoring Minister Sam Basil today called on Papua New Guineans not to be quick to forget nine years of oppressive, manipulative and back-stabbing regime under National Alliance.

 Basil said that the people must not allow National Alliance Party to think they are suffering from memory loss or amnesia on their antics while in power.

 "Their nine-year reign was an oppressive, manipulative and back-stabbing time for MPs aligned with them.

 "It is common knowledge – and well-documented in press publications and broadcasts, parliamentary Hansard and court files just how twisted and evasive their regime was," Basil said.

 "Start with the Julian Moti case in which directions from the Prime Minister's Office resulted in breaking multi-laws – domestic as well as international."

 "Look at the way NA swept under the carpet allegations of PNG Cabinet Ministers' involvement in the Taiwan diplomatic scandal in which money changed hands.

 "Look at how they kept manipulating the Speaker to gag debate on pertinent issues in Parliament and their bulldozing of then Attorney General and Justice Minister Dr Allan Marat to sign off on a legal and highly technical heads of agreement on gas – a new industry and venture in PNG.

 "Millions of kina has been paid out to appease landowners in the gas wells and economic corridor without following proper procedures.

 "Note also the way NA MPs tried to delay facing Leadership Tribunals through the courts only to find that their delays had no substance and the then Prime Minister was found guilty of misconduct in office."

Basil said that with that kind of track-record in governance, what sort of regime can PNG expect if they are returned to power.

 "Look at the way they have been panting for power since they were thrown out: instead of forming an effective opposition and keeping the O'Neill-Namah Government accountable and transparent, they are going around calling themselves Ministers still," Basil said.

 "I feel sorry for those who might want to re-join NA after breaking ranks with them to join us to oust them from power. You may be courted now but you will be mercilessly and drastically struck down if they secure power."

 Reiterating his earlier comments, Basil said: "MPs and political parties  who joined wih Peoples National Congress and PNG Party to form the O'Neill-Namah Government are not blind and deaf.

 "They know and are mindful of the reasons they broke ranks with an NA-led regime. No great transformation has changed any of the key NA players behind the mooted change. 

 "They are the same and the same fate awaits any naïve enough to empower them.

 "The gap has been created for the new generation of leaders to take this country forward.  One or two steps back will only allow the old guards to repeat their old ways of doing things.

 "If Sam Abal cannot be the Opposition Leader then I call on the likes of  Francis Potape,  Isaac Joseph,  James Marape, Fidelis Semoso or other young and vibrant leaders from the Opposition to take control just like what we did when we were in the opposition.

 "The world doesn't end with the old guard. We young, vibrant and visionary leaders must prove our worth and rise up whether in Opposition or in Government. We owe it to our voters back home to perform to the best of our ability."

Basil decries neglect of Opposition

National Planning and Monitoring Minister Hon Sam Basil today called on Wabag MP and former acting Prime Minister Sam Abal to take the reins of the Opposition immediately.

 "If Mr Abal does not assume the chair as Leader of Opposition, I am challenging the young MPs to take up the challenge and assume the positions instead of leaving a unhealthy vacuum in the highest democratic institution of the nation," Basil said,  reiterating his call from yesterday.

 Basil's call follows a chaotic disarray among ousted former Government Ministers and MPs today when Speaker Jeffery Nape ousted Pomio MP Paul Tiensten as a parliamentarian.

 The lack of coordinated approach by the ousted MPs who were in Government previously was evident as they looked for direction and leadership.

 "These MPs are neglecting their duty to ensure that we have a vibrant democracy in which the Government-of-the-day is daily held accountable for decisions that are made," Basil said.

 "The neglect in duty while Pomio MP Paul Tiensten was evading the strong arm of the law without any leadership guidance is the reason why he missed three Parliament sessions which resulted in his disqualification as a Member of Parliament."

 Basil said: "We, young MPs who were in the Opposition for four years, were served well by our veteran MPs in New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan, Moresby Northwest MP and (now) State Enterprises Minister Sir Mekere Morauta and Lae MP Bart Philemon who is now Public Service Minister.

 "They provided stability of leadership and groomed us to know our duty as Members of the nation's supreme law-making body of Papua New Guinea – the Parliament or Legislature.

 "It is now time for MPs in their third or second term of Parliament and are in the Opposition to wake up, snap out of their hangover of power and positions and perform their routine and necessary duties as legislators.

 "Abal is a seasoned MP. Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare saw fit to give him the acting Prime Ministership on a golden platter. Now it is up to him to show Papua New Guinea the credentials that Sir Michael saw.

 "As I said yesterday the world doesn't end with the old guard. We young, vibrant and visionary leaders must prove our worth and rise up whether in Opposition or in Government. We owe it to our voters back home to perform to the best of our ability."

Friday, September 23, 2011

Motorcyclers thrill at Bulolo Show

BULOLO District in Morobe staged its first ever cultural show on the Sept 16-18 coinciding with the country’s 36th Independence anniversary celebrations. 
Thrilling the crowd at the Bulolo Show.-Pictures by PETER BOYD

The event was staged in Mumeng Town.
Traditional singsing groups from the six LLGs of Bulolo, Mumeng, Buang, Watut, Biangai and people from other parts of Morobe who live in Bulolo and Wau like the Kabub singsing group took part.
Bulolo MP Sam Basil meets rider Daniel Hargreaves and others as show committee chairman Stanley Komunt, of MMJC (centre) looks on

Bulolo’s own sons and PNGs famous artists Lister and Amon Serum performed live to entertain the show goers.
Other entertainment included a string band competition, greasy pole climbing, inter LLG tug of war.
The highlight of the day was without a doubt a visit from Morobe Motorcycle Club riders who stopped halfway through a two day fun race from Bulolo to Edie Creek and back to Lae.
Waterfall near Buang on Snake River

The large crowd was witness to a display of wheel stands, jumps and riders riding without too much skill or control. 
The invitation to participate in a race at Independence weekend was extended to the MMC several months earlier by show chairman Stanley Komunt and it proved a great success.
Ploughing through a quagmire

The 'fun' race started with a small but enthusiastic group of riders in Bulolo on the Saturday who rode to Wau via PNGFP tracks and overnighted at the Wau Adventures headquarters, home to Tim and Danielle Vincent. 
Crossing the Snake River...hoping not to fall

The first day’s easy riding determined the starting order for the grueling second days riding. 
Day two saw local favourite and PNG'S No.1 bike Rider Daniel Hargreaves take a commanding lead in the first of the days special stages, a savage hill climb to the summit of Mt Kaindi at 7800ft and back to Wau. 
Rider about to crash near summit of Mt Kainti, at 7800 ft, outside Bulolo enroute to Hidden Valley

This section took its toll on riders and bikes with several riders crashing and Tim Vincent of Wau Adventures, PNG'S Premier Adventure Tourism Company, suffering badly bruised ribs - forcing him to pull out of any further racing.
Ow! That hurts!

Leg two was the reverse of the first day’s course from Wau to Bulolo and convincingly won by Suzuki rider Michael Schulz with a clear gap to Hargreaves, who was unable to maintain his first afternoons pace.
A steep descent

A short third leg from Bulolo to Mumeng saw the riders cross the line within a minute of each other, the tarmac riding not being to anyone's liking as the thought of crashing on tarmac was enough to deter anyone from risking life and limb - all riders knew that the last section of 94km from Mumeng Station to MMJV Headquarters at 9-Mile Lae would require all their energy and attention. 
Riding in fog is an unbelievable experience, the forest is dead quiet except for the bikes' sound

Thirty minutes were spent entertaining the crowd at the Bulolo Show and taking advice on the route ahead from MP Sam Basil, one of the few people who had actually driven down the Snake River to Buang and Gabensis.
The route chosen followed the Snake River past Buang, Wagau and onto Gabensis on the Bulolo Highway - a distance of 65km, and finishing off with a 30km road stage.
Village people close to Wagau - experiencing a motorbike for the first time in their lives

The only problem was that so much fun was had at Mumeng entertaining the crowd that riders lost track of time and were very late leaving Mumeng. 
Heavy fog and fading light slowed the bikes to a crawl for over an hour past Buang and Wagau.
Drops on either side of the overgrown track were vertical and deadly and any thoughts of racing were set aside with safety of riders paramount. 
Several of the bikes had no lights and this meant extra care needed to be shown.
What should have taken two hours took five hours and at 8pm the bikes arrived at MMJV headquarters with riders exhausted having commenced riding at 9am that morning.
Minister for National Planning and Monitoring Samuel Basil officiated at the show which was attended by over 3, 000 people.
Basil thanked the show chairman Stanley Komunt and his committees and all the sponsors for making the event a success.
Major sponsors:
  1. Bulolo District - Joint District Planning & Budget Priority Committee (JDP&BPC) – K85,000 in cash
  2. Morobe Mining JV (MMJV) K20,000 in kind
  3. Hornibrooks NGI Limited – K5,000 in cash
  4. Bank of South Pacific (BSP) – K3,000 in cash
  5. Island Mobile Hirecar
  6. Lae Biscuits company
  7. ArmSec Limited
  8. Digicel PNG
  9. NBC Morobe
  10. Zenang Chicken
  11. Bulolo District Administration

Inaugural Bulolo Show a success

The Bulolo Show held over Independence long weekend was first of its kind after many years without such a show.

It was initiated and supported by the Bulolo District, Joint District Planning & Budget Priority Committee (JDP & BPC) under the chairmanship of Bulolo MP and National Planning Minister Samuel Basil.

Stanley Komunt was appointed as show chairman and supported very well by deputy chairman Tony McHarets and Mumeng local level government president and Morobe provincial mining chairman Mathias Philip, Mumeng LLG manager Samuel Philip, and Bulolo district administrator Tae Guambelek.

Bulolo District staged its first-ever cultural show on Sept 16-18,   2011 coinciding with PNG's 36th Independence anniversary celebrations.

This important event was staged in Mumeng Town.

This location was chosen as it was convenient for tourists or visitors from Lae and other parts of PNG to travel to and fro from Lae and also local people from Wau, Bulolo and Watut to come down.

 There were traditional singsing groups from the six LLGs of Bulolo - Mumeng, Buang, Watut, Biangai and people from other parts of Morobe who live at Bulolo and Wau.

There were other entertainments such as string band competition, greasy pole climbing, inter-LLG tug-of-war, motor cycle show, and many more.

Bulolo's own sons and PNG's famous artists Lister and Amon Serum performed live to entertain the show goers.

The event started with the flagraising ceremony on Sept 16, followed by the cultural show the next day.

 On Sept 18, there were two greasy poles, tugs-of-war, greasy pig chase, motor cycle show and handing out of prize money.

Guest-of-honour was Minister for National Planning and Monitoring Samuel Basi.

It was attended by Bulolo district administrator Tae Guambelek, Mumeng LLG president Mathias Philip, Buang LLG president Stephen Sep, Wau Rural LLG manager John Yawa, MMJV general manager David Wissink, BSP Momase regional Manager Mark Kamuja and Bulolo BSP staff.

A notable presence was former Markham MP, Andrew Baing.

There were well over 3, 000 people who attended the three-day event, with lots of positive comments.

 Basil, when closing the show, announced that his JDP&BPC would continue to support next year and the years to come. T

He also acknowledged and thanked show chairman Stanley Komunt and his committee, as well as sponsors for making the event a success.

Major sponsors:

1.         Bulolo District - Joint District Planning & Budget Priority Committee (JDP&BPC) – K85, 000 in cash

2.         Morobe Mining JV (MMJV) K20, 000 in kind

3.         Hornibrooks NGI Limited – K5, 000 in cash

4.         Bank of South Pacific (BSP) – K3, 000 in cash

5.         Island Mobile Hirecar

6.         Lae Biscuit Company

7.         ArmSec Ltd

8.         Digicel PNG

9.         NBC Morobe

10.       Zenang Chicken

11.       Bulolo District Administration

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Basil hits back at Abal

NATIONAL Planning and Monitoring Minister Sam Basil has described as irresponsible and unbecoming comments by parliamentarians determined to usurp power by using Sir Michael Somare, The National reports.
"I can't believe former acting prime minister and Member for Wabag Sam Abal would sink so low as to verbally place the Grand Chief on a collision course on the floor of parliament by suggesting that Sir Michael would take the Prime Minister's seat in parliament," he said.
"Firstly, there is only one head of the legislature, which is the Speaker of the National Parliament, Jeffery Nape.
"Sam Abal was there when the new Prime Minister Peter O'Neill was elected in parliament. The instruments of appointment were signed by the Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio.
"Why has Abal, knowing all this, attempted to direct Sir Michael to a chair already occupied by O'Neill?
"That is pre-emptor of the Supreme Court case and should amount to contempt both of
the court and of the national parliament," Basil said.
"What I fail to understand is just what sort of family, friends and associates would drag a weak, struggling, old man who many respect as the founding father of the nation in their political power games.
"Why can't they all appreciate that whatever the Supreme Court ruling is, the bottom line is that 70 MPs against 24 voted in O'Neill as the new prime minister on Aug 2 in parliament and will do so again if required."
Basil intends to refer Abal to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee for his comments on the chair to be occupied by Sir Michael.
He said the comments threatened the decorum and dignity of parliament

Basil hits back at Abal

NATIONAL Planning and Monitoring Minister Sam Basil has described as irresponsible and unbecoming comments by parliamentarians determined to usurp power by using Sir Michael Somare, The National reports.
"I can't believe former acting prime minister and Member for Wabag Sam Abal would sink so low as to verbally place the Grand Chief on a collision course on the floor of parliament by suggesting that Sir Michael would take the Prime Minister's seat in parliament," he said.
"Firstly, there is only one head of the legislature, which is the Speaker of the National Parliament, Jeffery Nape.
"Sam Abal was there when the new Prime Minister Peter O'Neill was elected in parliament. The instruments of appointment were signed by the Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio.
"Why has Abal, knowing all this, attempted to direct Sir Michael to a chair already occupied by O'Neill?
"That is pre-emptor of the Supreme Court case and should amount to contempt both of
the court and of the national parliament," Basil said.
"What I fail to understand is just what sort of family, friends and associates would drag a weak, struggling, old man who many respect as the founding father of the nation in their political power games.
"Why can't they all appreciate that whatever the Supreme Court ruling is, the bottom line is that 70 MPs against 24 voted in O'Neill as the new prime minister on Aug 2 in parliament and will do so again if required."
Basil intends to refer Abal to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee for his comments on the chair to be occupied by Sir Michael.
He said the comments threatened the decorum and dignity of parliament

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Basil in Alotau

National Planning Minister Sam Basil (right) arrived in Alotau, Milne Bay, yesterday for the provincial consultative meeting. He was met at the Gurney Airport by Kiriwina-Goodenough MP Jack Cameron. Officials attending the meeting included area managers, district administrators and council presidents and public servants. The meeting was opened yesterday by Alotau Mayor Gita Elliot with Basil giving the keynote address.

Government will ensure LLGs are equipped, says Basil

THE national government will ensure that local level government wards in the country are given necessary machinery and vehicles to facilitate the delivery of basic services, National Planning Minister Sam Basil says, The National reports.
He said last week in Kokopo, East New Britain, the government would focus on rural areas which currently lacked basic services.
Basil said LLG managers needed to have bulldozers which they must operate and maintain for at least 2,000 hours, and use them during bad weather to repair roads.
"This way LLGs can fix their roads and open up the market for people in rural areas," he said.
He said LLG managers must each have a police car and an officer who could train 10 locals as reservists to help monitor law and order in the communities.
Basil said police presence must be maintained in rural areas in light of recent land and social problems.
He said an ambulance should be stationed at the LLG level to help those seeking health services
Basil said the VSat system was important to provide communication so that LLGs could be hooked up to a fax machine and access internet to submit reports to the provincial and national governments when needed.
He said a tractor would allow the LLG to plough the land for agricultural use.
Basil said all these could be operated on a user-pay basis but the government must provide these equipment and vehicles so that people could enjoy better services.
He urged parliamentarians to wisely use the K20 million they received from the government on sustainable projects

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bulolo Show on next month


THE new location of the flood-devastated sub-district headquarter of Mumeng , which is at the Zenag chicken farm land area in Bulolo district, will be the centre of attraction when the six local level governments (LLG) in the district will stage a cultural show during the Independence weekend next month. 

 A committee has been set in place to organise the show which is expected to lure cultural groups from as far as Waria LLG and the neighboring Menyamya district,  who will be participating to show their culture.

 The Buang yam culture will be one of several other cultures from the district that will be exhibited. Traditional string bands without the use of musical instruments like the factory -amde guitars and ukuleles, should astonish everyone.  

 On the commercial side of things, one of the highlights, if all goes well, will be a cross country motor cycle jaunt that will see riders taking off from Lae through the unattended short cut road to Buang from the turn off at Gabensis village.

Organising committee chairman, Stanley Komuts, says companies operating within the district as well as Lae, have been given the opportunity to display their products if they so wish.  

 Komuts said the formal Independence activities will held on Independence Day , which is Friday , September 16  while Saturday and Sunday will be occupied with cultural show exhibitions and the presentation on Sunday afternoon.

 He said gates will be free of charge and every cultural group, string bands and singsing groups will be  rewarded for taking part.

 The Bulolo cultural show, if successful, will become an annual event in the district in the years to come.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Basil wants natural resources to be processed downstream

MINISTER for National Planning Sam Basil says all natural resources in the country must be processed downstream and the final product exported, The National reports.
Speaking at the opening of the National Development Forum hosted by the Consultative Implementation and Monitoring Council at the Parliament House State Function Room, Basil said renewable and non-renewable resources must go under downstream processing onshore so that the country benefited from it.
"When we have downstream processing here, we will add value to our export commodities and maximise economic returns and benefits back to our country," he said.
"And most importantly, it will create employment, transfer skills and technology to Papua New Guineans and spin-off benefits apart from main revenue gain from the resources."
Basil said the traditional role of the government was to create an enabling environment for indigenous people to empower themselves and own and control the bulk of economic activities in their country.
He said for too long foreign-owned corporations had been ripping off the country's natural resources, leaving nothing for Papua New Guineans.
"Now there is a policy change under the O'Neill-Namah government whereby the indigenous people will have the upper hand in any resource development so that the bulk of the rural majority can see some changes in their living standards," he said.
Referring to the exports of round logs, he said they had the potential to collect billions of kina if they could be processed here.
 "We need a policy shift to have a downstream processing in the country so that all our natural resources can be processed here so that we maximise the benefits," Basil said

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

National Planning plans visits to LLGs


THE Department of Na­tional Planning and Monitoring is carrying out a consultative programme targeting all lo­cal level governments (LLG), Mi­nister Sam Basil says, The National reports.
Basil yesterday an­noun­ced the consul­ta­tions process would begin on Monday in Alotau, Milne Bay.
"This is the first time we will be consulting with the LLG managers in all four regions to see how we can work with them to improve service delivery and basic infrastructure," he said at a media briefing at Vulu­pindi Haus.
Basil said district and provincial administrators were invited to join the meetings planned for this month but the key people during consultations would be LLG councillors and managers.
"These are the people who truly represent the grassroots and people of the country," he said.
"We believe that all LLGs and districts in PNG must have the resources and must be empowered to look after themselves," Basil said.
He said his team would be visiting Kokopo, East New Britain, on Aug 24-25 to talk to LLG ma­nagers from the Islands region, including the Bou­gain­ville Autonomous Region.
Basil said on Aug 26, the department would meet with Highlands LLG heads in Mt Hagen, Western Highlands.
Consultations with the Momase group would be held in Madang on Aug 29.
Basil said the aim was to bring tangible development at LLG level and see improvement of services delivery to the people.
"One way to do that is through public-private partnership (PPP) with government agencies, business houses and other credible organisations to see that rural people have direct access to services such as transport, electricity, communications and technology such as provided through the installation of VSat."
Basil said it was the dream of the new government to see that people had access to health, education and that the overall social welfare was improved.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bodies of chopper crash victims found

CIVIL Aviation authorities yesterday confirmed that an Australian pilot and his two Papua New Guinea passengers were killed on Monday in the helicopter crash in the Bulolo district of Morobe province, The National reports.
Head of the Accident Investigation Commission David Inau said the helicopter, P2-RUH (pictured above before the crash) owned by Manolos Aviation, was flown by Peter Waters when it disappeared between the Wafi mine site and Mumeng while returning to Lae.
Inau said another helicopter spotted the wreckage that afternoon but bad weather prevented anyone from reaching the crash site, 5km south of Timini.
He said that on Wednesday, members of the Porgera mine's air rescue team were dropped in by helicopter and confirmed that there were no survivors.
Waters was in his 70s.
Also on board were two local G4S security guards.
Inau said Waters was an experienced pilot and a friend.
"Yeah I know him very well," he told Radio Australia yesterday said.
"We've flown together for many, many years here in PNG."
Inau said investigators arrived at the crash site yesterday morning and retrieved the three bodies with the help of local villagers.
The bodies were brought to Lae.
Villagers in the area had no idea that an aircraft had crashed nearby until notified by a search team.
They then led the team to the crash site.
Manolos Aviation and G4S could not be contacted for comments.
Civil Aviation Minister Puri Ruing sent his condolence to the families of the three dead people, saying that Inau's investigation team would be providing an interim report within 28 days.
"The investigation commenced shortly after the accident occurred and the on site component of the investigation will continue for several days," he said

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Morobe helicopter crash leaves 3 dead


Three people are dead following a helicopter crash in Morobe province on Monday, The National reports.
The twin-engine helicopter (pictured above during a recent trip to Finschhafen) , belonging to the Lae-based Manolos Aviation, was on its way to Wafi, in the Bulolo district, but a heavy cloud cover prevented it from landing.
The helicopter was trying to return to Lae when it went missing between Mumeng and Wafi.
Two G4S security guards and the expatriate pilot, Peter Wallace, were on board the helicopter. 
An air search was launched immediately to locate the missing helicopter.
However, aerial search and rescue attempts during the past three days had drawn a blank because the area was still under a heavy cloud cover.
Late last night Civil Aviation Minister Puri Ruing said the crash site had been found but there were no survivors.
He said the crash of the helicopter, P2-RUH, happened about 5km south of Timini.
"The investigation commenced shortly after the accident happened and the onsite component of the investigation will be continuing for several days," Ruing said,
He said the bodies of the pilot and the two passengers were being retrieved late yesterday while the investigators' reports would be ready within four weeks.

Morobe helicopter crash leaves three dead


Three people are dead following a helicopter crash in Morobe province on Monday, The National reports.
The twin-engine helicopter (pictured above during a recent trip to Finschhafen) , belonging to the Lae-based Manolos Aviation, was on its way to Wafi, in the Bulolo district, but a heavy cloud cover prevented it from landing.
The helicopter was trying to return to Lae when it went missing between Mumeng and Wafi.
Two G4S security guards and the expatriate pilot, Peter Wallace, were on board the helicopter. 
An air search was launched immediately to locate the missing helicopter.
However, aerial search and rescue attempts during the past three days had drawn a blank because the area was still under a heavy cloud cover.
Late last night Civil Aviation Minister Puri Ruing said the crash site had been found but there were no survivors.
He said the crash of the helicopter, P2-RUH, happened about 5km south of Timini.
"The investigation commenced shortly after the accident happened and the onsite component of the investigation will be continuing for several days," Ruing said,
He said the bodies of the pilot and the two passengers were being retrieved late yesterday while the investigators' reports would be ready within four weeks.

Morobe helicopter crash leaves three dead


Three people are dead following a helicopter crash in Morobe province on Monday, The National reports.
The twin-engine helicopter (pictured above during a recent trip to Finschhafen) , belonging to the Lae-based Manolos Aviation, was on its way to Wafi, in the Bulolo district, but a heavy cloud cover prevented it from landing.
The helicopter was trying to return to Lae when it went missing between Mumeng and Wafi.
Two G4S security guards and the expatriate pilot, Peter Wallace, were on board the helicopter. 
An air search was launched immediately to locate the missing helicopter.
However, aerial search and rescue attempts during the past three days had drawn a blank because the area was still under a heavy cloud cover.
Late last night Civil Aviation Minister Puri Ruing said the crash site had been found but there were no survivors.
He said the crash of the helicopter, P2-RUH, happened about 5km south of Timini.
"The investigation commenced shortly after the accident happened and the onsite component of the investigation will be continuing for several days," Ruing said,
He said the bodies of the pilot and the two passengers were being retrieved late yesterday while the investigators' reports would be ready within four weeks.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Confirmed cabinet ministries

Peter O'Neill – Prime Minister
Belden Namah – Deputy Prime Minister; Forestry and Climate Change
Don Polye – Treasury and Finance
Sam Basil – National Planning
Bart Philemon – Public Service
William Duma – Petroleum and Energy
Ken Fairweather – Housing and Urban Development
Moses Maladina – Implementation and Rural Development
Charles Abel – Trade, Commerce and Industry
David Arore – Higher Education, Re­search, Science and Technology
Dr Allan Marat – Attorney-General and Justice
John Boito – Internal Security
Guma Wau – Defence
Sai Sailon Beseo – Correctional Ser­vices
Job Pomat – Fisheries
Ano Pala – Foreign Affairs and Immigration
Sir Mekere Morauta – Public Enterpri­ses
Theo Zurenuoc – Education
Sir Puka Temu – Agriculture and Livestock
Thompson Harokaqveh – Environ­ment and Conservation
Sali Subam – Sports
Martin Aini – Labour and Industrial Relations
Byron Chan – Mining
Jim Miringtoro – Communication and Information Technology
Steven Kama Pirika – Bougainville Affairs
Andrew Mald – Community Deve­lop­ment; Religion and Family Affairs
Mark Maipakai – Inter-Government Relations and District Development
Francis Awesa – Transport and Works
Puri Ruing –  Civil Aviation
Lucas Dekena – Lands and Physical Planning
Jamie Maxtone-Graham – Health
Benjamin Philip – Tourism, Arts and Culture
Wake Goi – Assisting the Prime Minis­ter on Constitutional Matters

Monday, August 8, 2011

Probable O’Neill-Namah cabinet

 WHILE all who were named ministers were sworn in last week, Prime Minister Peter O'Neill is yet to officially name their portfolios, The National reports.
The following is the most probable cabinet line-up based on unofficial information.
The full line-up would be announced today.
Peter O'Neill – Prime Minister
Belden Namah – Deputy Prime Minister; Forestry and Climate Change
Don Polye – Treasury and Finance
William Duma – Petroleum and Energy
Sam Basil – National Planning
Moses Maladina – Implementation and Rural Development
Francis Awesa – Works and Transport
Bart Philemon – Public Service
Sir Puka Temu – Agriculture
Sir Mekere Morauta – State Enterprises
Dr Allan Marat – Attorney-General and Justice
John Boito – Internal Security
Guma Wau – Defence
Sai Sailon Beseo – Correctional Services
Job Pomat – Fisheries
Ano Pala – Foreign Affairs and Immigration
Theo Zurenuoc – Education
Sali Subam – Sports
Martin Aini – Labour and Industrial Relations
Byron Chan – Mining
Charles Abel – Trade; Commerce and Industry
Jim Miringtoro – Communication and Information
Steven Kama – Bougainville Affairs
Andrew Mald – Community Development; Religion and Family Affairs
Mark Maipakai – Government Relations and District Development
David Arore – Higher Education
Thompson Harokaqveh – Environment and Conservation
Puri Ruing – Civil Aviation
Lucas Dekena – Lands and Physical Planning
Jamie Maxtone-Graham – Health and HIV/AIDS
Ken Fairweather – Housing and Urbanisation
Wake Goi – Minister assisting the Prime Minster on Constitutional Matters.
Benjamin Philip – Minister without portfolio

33 in cabinet


PRIME Minister Peter O'Neill has appointed 33 new ministers in a cabinet line-up of mostly unknowns which, he claims, "are simple and humble leaders for the people of Papua New Guinea", The National reports.
However, indications were that representation from the highlands was most powerful, securing key economic positions including that of the prime minister, finance and trea­sury plus petroleum and energy.
Political sources said this might backfire on O'Neill and his People's National Congress party in the general election next year.
The southern region National Alliance group that defected to support the opposition was rewarded with five ministerial portfolios.
The United Resources Party, PNC and People's Party factions were rewarded with four ministries.
O'Neill said the distribution of ministries was done in consultation with political parties and leaders. East Sepik and West New Britain missed out completely.
A couple of Sepik MPs, including Wosera-Gawi's Ronald Asik and Telefomin's Peter Iwei, were evidently unhappy with their exclusion and shouted expletives during the swearing-in ceremony.
"One or two have missed out largely because of numbers; many were not been present in government and parties' decisions on who gets a ministry," the prime minister said.
He said there was full consultation between the different coalition partners and he tried his best to cover all provinces in his cabinet.
"The distribution of ministries shows a humble government for the people of Papua New Guinea."
O'Neill congratulated the new ministers sworn-in by Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio at Go­vernment House last Friday. 
They included Ken Fair­weather (Sumkar); Charles Abel (Alotau); David Arore (Ijivitari); Guma Wau (Kerowagi); Steven Kama (South Bougainville); Jim Miringtoro (Central Bougain­ville); Martin Aini (Kavieng); Jamie Maxtone-Graham (An­glimp-South Waghi); Thompson Harokaqveh (Goroka); Lucas Dekena (Gumine); Byron Chan (Namatanai); Puri Ruing (Dei); Benjamin Philip (Menyamya); Sali Subam (South Fly); Andrew Mald (Moresby Northeast); Mark Maipakai (Kikori); and Sai Beseo (Kainantu).
O'Neill also challenged the opposition members to re-join their political leaders in the new-look government