
Friday, February 11, 2011

Lelang must speak out



I call for on suspended National Planning secretary Joseph Lelang (now sacked) to come out now without fear or favor and expose all he can to clear his name.

 Usually members of parliament give directives and when the going gets tough they hide and let the departmental secretaries to cope with the blame game so I am appealing to the sacked secretary to come out now and spill the beans.

 Tell us who and where the monies in various trust accounts disappeared to?

Which companies?

Which MPs used undue influence or threatened him to break financial laws to dish out or redirect funds?

Why is Paul Tienstein so quite since this issue surfaced?

 I am ready to march the street with the people to demand the arrest and charging of members of parliament when Joe Lelang exposes the rot and he must do so now!

 Ministers have been buying houses and shifting their families overseas in an unprecedented manner never like never before from those stolen funds so Lelang owes it to the people of Papua New Guinea and he must speak now to save face.



1 comment:

  1. I thank Hon. Basil for the bold call on Mr. Lelang to come out and clear out everything for the sake of the People of PNG who deserve the right to know where, when and how their monies have been spent.

    Mr. Lelang must also do this honour for the sake of his reputation and credibility and for the name of transparency and accountability and healthy development of the country.

    The time is ripe to say NO to CORRUPTION!The international commmunity is watching with prudent eyes of how we are dealing with the issues of CORRUPTION. This issue shouldn't be taken lightly.

    I for one am behind Hon. Basil to march the streets with the rest of PNGans (people's power) to put those responsible 'politicians, beaurocatics and others behind bars.

    It's about time we fight for our rights and rights of development for our country and our future generations. It's not be sleep and let the Somare's Sepik River flow over us. Let's put the Sepik River back to the banks of it's Sepik origins.

    PNG Nationalist!
